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Ties to the Land Workshop 

Saturday, May 6,2023                                                                                                                     Saturday May 13th,2023
Helena, Montana                                                                                                                                          Kalispell, Montana
Delta Hotels Helena Colonial                                                                                                 Montana FWP Regional Office

The Human Side of Estate Planning

Your family forest legacy:  planning for an orderly transition--intergenerational family forest project

Story Title

Ties to the Land Workshop

Millions of acres of family-owned forest land in the U.S.--and thousands of Montana family-owned forest lands in the next few years.  Some forests and other rural lands may be converted to a different use because owners didn't take charge of the succession process in time.  there are many reasons for this:

  • Landowners may have a strong desire to pass their land on to their children but have not yet done the work necessary to ensure that result.

  • Many landowners haven't talked to their children about who will take care of the family forest after they're gone.

  • Some owners have realized their children may lack the skills to manage the family land or may not be interested in doing so.

  • Others assume that succession planning will be too expensive, and they aren't sure what the benefits will be.  Other owners wait for their children to take the initiative.  Or maybe they just  don't know what to do next.

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Montana again welcomes Madeline and Kirk David to Big Sky country to facilitate Montana's Ties to the Land workshops.  Madeline and Kirk have a wealth of experience with the forest products industry, forest management and family succession planning.  thanks to Madeline and Kirk for bringing Ties to the Land to Helena on May 6 and Kalispell on May 13.


Kirk:  Society of American foresters Fellow, ATFS Tree Farm Inspector Trainer, Idaho Forest Owners Association Executive Vice President

Madeline:  LLC Business Owner/Manager

Workshop Instructors

​Both Kirk & Madeline David:

​Family forest landowners (Idaho, Montana, & Florida), Tree Farmers, Idaho State Tree Farm committee members, Aldo Leopold Foundation Land Ethic Leaders, "Ties to the Land" Facilitators in WA, ID, MT from 2008 to the present.

Workshop Program Content

Ties to the Land includes presentations, video clips, and innteractive exercises on the following topics:

  • 10 Steps to Successful Succession Planning

  • Passion, Preparation, and Planning

  • Family Ties, Differing Objectives

  • Generation Gaps

  • The Heirloom Scale, Values and Goals

  • Conflicting Roles of Family and Business

  • Tips for a Successful First Family Meeting

  • Guidelines for Good Communication

  • Choosing the Best Team of Advisors for You

  • Putting the Plan Together; Success Strategies

  • Transferring Ownership

  • Legal and Financial Instruments

Open to forest landowners and ag producers

Lunch is not included, restaurants are available nearby.

Endorsements by Montanans...

"My family attended this workshop because we have the same dilemma so many other families have:  What happens to the place when we're gone"

--Ed Levert, Chairman of the Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation

"Montana Tree Farm offers tools and advice for being a good steward of private forestland. Family forests are vital to our State's clean water, air, wood. and wildlife habitat. Managed forests provide jobs and wood products in healthy communities where we all love to live and recreate. Workshops. Such as "Ties to the Land", help us to ensure private forests continue to offer these benefits instead of being converted to other uses."

          -Holly McKenzie, Chair, Montana Tree Farm, 2023

"This tried and tested workshop curriculum has had excellent reviews from landowners in ID, WA, OR and CA.  Now for the first time Montana landowners and their family members will have the same opportunity to begin charting a course for succession of family property.  We all know taking the first step is often the greatest challenge.  This workshop offers the guidance necessary for families to plan together for a successful future."

--Gary EllingsonMontana Forest Stewardship Program Board Member

"We learned about the various methods available to accomplish a fit for that all important succession planning. The options become clearer for taking the next steps to completion of our plan."

-Pat and Judy McKelvey, Montana family forest owners and past workshop participants

The Ties to the Land presentations, video clips and discussion work best with multiple family members participating in the workshop.

In addition, because of the personal interactive nature of the workshops, seating is limited to 25 people per workshop, so please register soon.  This is a tremendous opportunity for forest owners to learn how to effectively plan your forest legacy.

Room Reservations

A negotiated room rate has been set for our Conference with the Delta Hotels Helena Colonial, 2301 Colonial Drive, Helena, Montana 59601 from $151.00 per night. 

Attendees may now make reservations by calling the hotel directly at 406-443-2100 or by calling reservations at 1-866-211-4604 please mention the function, MT Forest Landowners Conference


Last Day to Book: Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Delta Hotels Helena Colonial for 151 USD per night

Here's your reservation link guests can use to make reservations:


Book your group rate for MT Forest Landowners Conference [];!!GaaboA!tO8FcmAB2kyw7-9XzALvf6sVWUje5e7AkUIOftInKrQCDYd4kCBy5UfX4oA-X6mNkynlqXwXGNzmY1KwmSUhMtcs$

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Regional Office

490 N. Meridian Rd

Kalispell Mt

(406) 443-2100 


Ties to the Land Workshop

Workshops are sponsored by the Forest Stewardship Foundation and Montana Fish wildlife and Parks

© 2016-2023 by Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation.  All rights reserved.


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