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Sponsor Opportunity

at the

14th Annual Montana

Forest Landowners Conference 

You are cordially invited to participate as a sponsor and attendee at the joint 14th Annual Montana Forest Landowner Conference that will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024 at the DELTA HOTELS HELENA COLONIAL in Helena, MT. 

The conference theme this year is;
       "Becoming a Better Forest Steward"
The conference is sponsored by the Montana  Forest Stewardship Foundation (MFSF) 
We believe this year's conference offers a great balance of topics for forest landowners, foresters, and loggers who are interested in active forest management. 
Please see the Agenda on our brochure (PDF File), for more information. Our annual attendance is typically 100 people.


We ask that your organization consider joining us as a sponsor of this years’ conference.  There are four basic levels of sponsorship available: Bronze-$150; Silver-$250; Gold-$500; Platinum-$750. Bronze and Silver sponsors are eligible for one free registration while Gold and Platinum sponsors are eligible for two free registrations.  Other contributions of any amount are also welcome. All sponsors are eligible for a complimentary exhibit table, conference registration, and lunch for a representative. 

You can register as a sponsor for the basic levels of sponsorship by completing the form at the right and submit your payment via PayPal.  Or download and print the Mail-In Sponsor Registration Form and mail it along with your payment. 

If you wish to donate an amount other than the basic levels please download and print the Mail-In Sponsor Registration Form and indicate your level of sponsorship. You may submit your payment by mail with your Sponsor Form.

A room block under “Montana Forest Landowners Conference” has been arranged at the DELTA HOTELS HELENA COLONIAL in Helena, MT with a reduced room rate of $159.00 per night plus tax.  You may call 406-443-2100 to reserve a room.

Please contact Ed Levert at 406-293-2847 with any direct questions that might concern your participation as a Sponsor. We appreciate your consideration of this event and sincerely hope you will be able to join us.

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© 2016-2023 by Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation.  All rights reserved.


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